Thursday, October 08, 2009


As you know, I am anxiously awaiting the arrival of little Sophia and I have been brain storming on how I can stay home and babysit her. So I am putting out feelers to see if there are any takers on leaving their children with me...(and now I am doing my evil laugh). If you know anyone, please let me know!

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Welcome Autumn!

Hello everyone...or the 2 or 3 of you who follow this... ;-)
It has been months since I have posted anything and I am going to try to get back into some sort of habit. Well fall is among us and I couldn't be more excited. I love this time of year! I enjoy the mild temps during the day and the chilly temps at night.

A lot has happened over the last several months but there are also a few exciting things on the horizon. So this one is going to be focused on the first one...Sophia Evelyn Smith. Jessika is on a countdown now...35 days and counting! We are all sooo excited to meet this Derek mini-me! The 3D ultrasound pictures were amazing and I can't wait to meet her! A couple weeks ago I threw Jess her baby shower. It was a lot of fun.

The most adorable hand made hat I have ever seen!!! It was definitely a hit at the shower. A big thanks to Aunt Andrea! I can't wait to see little Sophie wearing it.

This is my pride and joy. The DIAPER CAKE. I don't know how many people I told that I was making a diaper cake and everyone thought it was an actual cake that was made to look like diapers; however it is a cake made out of diapers! I had a blast doing this and do believe I am going to have a nice side business with making them. (In the center is a surprise for the mommy and daddy to be...a bottle of wine!)